Author Stalked by a Police Officer
Being stalked by a police officer when you’ve done nothing wrong can be a scary thing. Especially now. Every day, we see media stories about preternaturally violent cops: dangerous people…
Being stalked by a police officer when you’ve done nothing wrong can be a scary thing. Especially now. Every day, we see media stories about preternaturally violent cops: dangerous people…
Jurassic Killing: was there active predation among different species of Jurassic pliosaurs? And did larger pliosaurs devour smaller ones - possibly even of the same genus? The answer is a…
What is Spinosaurus, and how would it fare in a Spinosaurus vs Carcharodontosaurus confrontation? Spinosaurus aegyptiacus is an extinct species of theropod dinosaur that lived in what is now North…
Плиозавры были группой вымерших морских пресмыкающихся макро-хищников, которые жили со среднего Юрского периода до начала верхнемелового периода. Хотя к концу Юрского периода они испытали сокращение как видового разнообразия, так и…
What was the largest Russian pliosaur and when did it live? Pliosaurs were a group of extinct macropredatory marine reptiles that lived from the Middle Jurassic to the early Late…